3C – Career Consulting Company

Corporate & web design


3C was looking to establish a contemporary and unconventional online presence. The recruitment agency’s goal was to separate itself from the competition both online and off, highlight its brand diversity, and create trust.

Screenshot of the


  • Suitable logos & attractive colour palette
  • Modern page layout, wireframes & screen design
  • Authentic photo concept
  • Compelling content
  • Easy-to-use CMS (Mattrbld
  • Reliable build of a static-generated website


Flavour revamped 3C’s corporate identity, developed an easy-to-use CMS, and rebuilt the website. The photo concept conveys authenticity, delivering the message on an emotional and personal level. Our new design gives 3C a unique visual identity.

Mockups from the 3C-Career Consulting page in a tablet and a smartphone showing a job listing

How we turned 3C into a stronger brand:

  • Corporate identity

    3C now has a contemporary and trustworthy CI across all designs

  • Design

    Unconventional website design sets 3C apart from the competition

  • Content management

    Going forward, the customer will generate and manage its own news posts

  • Diversity

    High visibility for the brand’s broad range

Amadeus sitting at his desk in the coworking space laughing.

As a recruitment agency, 3C has to inspire trust at first glance. We created a new, clean CI with a blue palette that helps do exactly that.

Amadeus Stadler

Development & Art Direction

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